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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Give some, Take some

The tenth amendment grants the states powers not granted to the federal government. It was drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1791 with the rest of the Bill of Rights. This amendment limits the federal government by taking their freedoms and power and giving it to the use of the state and the states people giving them protection under the 10th amendment. The states can also use this as a tool and blame or charge the government of things while still being protected under this particular amendment

Monday, September 24, 2012

Court Case: Love Kills

   The U.S Supreme Court has ruled that a woman accused of trying to poison her romantic rival because she found out that her friend was pregnant but she found out that she got pregnant from her husband. She has stand to challenge Congress' power to enact the law used to prosecute her. This woman's name is Carol Anne Bond.
   The Supreme Court allowed Carol Anne Bond's 10th amendment challenge in a unanimous opinion by Judge Anthony M. Kennedy.
   Bond was prosecuted under a federal law that passed to comply with a treaty aimed at preventing the spread of chemical weapons. Bond had alleged the treaty could not be a source of power to prevent her conduct.
   The Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled, Bond had n standing to challenge the law as an infringement of power reserved to the states when there was no state involved in the proceedings.
   The SUpreme COurt diagreed. "fidelity to princples of federalism is not for the states alone to vindicate," Kennedy wrote.
   As a result Bond was pleaded guilty by judge and was accused of stealing a dangerous chemical from the company where she worked as a lab technition and was given a 6 year sentence and a huge fine.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The 10th Amendment

           The purpose of the 10th amendment is to define the establishment and division of power between the state and federal government. This amendment also protects these powers from both federal and state governments by putting limitations on how much power they really have. A few limitations that was put to keep control was government taxing, federal regulations, and also how much power that would be given to the official police and boarding government. Therefore this amendment is saying that it was made to keep the national government from being too overpowered by putting limitations on things such as the taxes.
             Today, this amendment is important to our lives because without it the government could get too drunk on power and our country as we know it could be very different.