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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The 10th Amendment

           The purpose of the 10th amendment is to define the establishment and division of power between the state and federal government. This amendment also protects these powers from both federal and state governments by putting limitations on how much power they really have. A few limitations that was put to keep control was government taxing, federal regulations, and also how much power that would be given to the official police and boarding government. Therefore this amendment is saying that it was made to keep the national government from being too overpowered by putting limitations on things such as the taxes.
             Today, this amendment is important to our lives because without it the government could get too drunk on power and our country as we know it could be very different.


  1. amendment 10 was great. i like it how you talk about what is amendment 10 is all about and how amendment 10 is important today in life :)

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